I am having a sale at my ETSY store.
Biggest Sale of the Year: 20% anything in my ETSY store. Enter code HOLIDAYSALE at the checkout! Sale ends Monday Night!
Here are a few other ETSY sellers having a sale:
BizarreRealms use coupon code: BLACK to save 10%
MadScientistsDesigns has some really neat jewelry! Use code: BLACKFRIDAY to save 25%
corelladesign is one of the neatest sellers on ETSY. Her store is having a Free Shipping Special through Cyber Monday.
DevikaBox also has handmade jewelry use coupon code: "BLACKFRIDAY10" TO GET 10% DISCOUNT
AnnaDelores is having a huge sale use Coupon code BLACKFRIDAY for 40% off e v e r y t h i n g! Plus free shipping on calendars and gift sets.
DizzyOwl makes lovely crocheted bags, purses, and accessories. USE COUPON CODE BLKFRI10 TO GET 10% OFF YOUR PURCHASE and FREE GIFT FOR ANY PURCHASE OVER $50
Please try to support Artists (of any kind) when choosing your gifts this year! Happy Shopping!
if I missed your ETSY sale, please leave the details in the comments below!